
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

FUE Method Side Effects

There are a couple of methods used in hair transplantation surgery operations. Most of these techniques are highly advanced and the prices depend on the procedures and the equipment used. For example, FUE, short for the Follicular Unit Extraction method is one of the most preferred hair transplantation methods in the world and is also famous for its cheap prices on surgeries.

As the equipment and the procedures change, so does the after-surgery recovery state. Just like in most of the health treatments, there may be side effects of such operations caused by the procedures followed or drugs used.

Most of the clinics and doctors say that there is a little chance of possible after-surgery swellings or bleedings but some of the patients may slightly experience those troublings. I think swellings should not be regarded as side effects because not all the people’s metabolism is the same and may react such operations with such actions.

Doctors say that if a patient tempers with his/her newly transplanted hair, like hard-pulling the hair or using hair dryers in his/her early recovery period, the donor area of the recipient area may experience such swellings since they’re in still recovery state.

Swellings are the most common after-surgery trouble that people experience, but there are other several side effects that may occur after a hair transplantation surgery. These side effects can be listed as follows:

  • Pus drainage around the donor area or recipient area
  • Pain, scratching and itching around the scalp
  • Inflammation over individual follicular units
  • Infections on surgical sites
  • Bleeding
  • Hair keep balding after the operation

If you face with agonizing pains or unbearable inflammations, you should use prescription drugs only. Consult your doctor and describe your pain or inflammations to him/her. Your doctor will suggest you the painkiller which is the best cure for your discomfort.

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