
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Bald Spot After FUE

There are a couple of hair transplantation and implantation procedures on the market. It is a fact that a hair transplantation surgery is the best thing that could be done about a balding scalp. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) are the kings of the hair transplantation throne these days. They’re noted for the natural results which are promised by all hair transplant surgeons.

However, despite the fact that they’re the best ones on the market, they have their own risk of complications and some other annoying situations. For example, a bald spot after FUE is one of the most common problems that are associated with hair transplantation procedures. However, a bald spot situation may not be as bad as it seems to most hair transplant candidates.

No hair transplant surgeon leaves a bald spot during a FUE procedures. The grafts are extracted based on the recipients area’s needs. This means that all the hair loss areas are expected to covered with the extracted hair follicles. If you see a bald spot during your hair transplant recovery, this means that the hair on that spot fell, no doubt.

You do not have to panic because of that because it’s more likely to be a temporary hair loss. Hair transplantation procedures mostly promise no further hair loss in the surgery area. This type of hair loss is called “shock hair loss” and it’s not permanent.

Because of the microchannels opened during hair transplantation surgery, the scalp may target the planted hair follicles and eventually cause them to fall. Shock hair loss can be diffused, or areal and your scalp may need a really long time to fully recover the lost hair strands.

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